Organisational Transition for the Public Officers’ Defined Contribution Pension Fund. EOI Name: PODCPF – Organisational Transition Consulting ServicesEOI No: PODCPF/EOI/OT/01/2025 21st February, 2025 INTRODUCTIONThe Public…
CONFERENCE THEME: Advancing Africa’s Public Service Excellence: United In Pursuit To Realize Capable Institutions And Transformed Leadership. The conference will be held in KSG Campus…
Theme: “Agile and Resilient Public Administration for Sustainable Development in Africa.”Venue: Kampala, UgandaDate: 26th- 29th NOVEMBER 2024
Noting that the African Management Development Institutes Network (AMDIN) has been in_ existence for eighteen-years (18) and provided immense value for its members and African…
Mesdames et Messieurs les Membres du Comité Exécutif d’AMDIN notre Organisation, Chers collègues, Au nom du Gouvernement de mon pays et au mien propre, je…
The African Management Development Institutes Network (AMDIN) has elected new leadership to steer the organisation forward in building state capacity and enhancing partnerships and collaboration…
3rd General Assembly of the African Management Development Institutes’ Network 1 March 2024, Kenya School of Government, Mombasa Campus This notice serves to inform members…
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