Organisational Transition for the Public Officers’ Defined Contribution Pension Fund.
EOI Name: PODCPF – Organisational Transition Consulting Services
21st February, 2025
The Public Officers’ Defined Contribution Pension Fund (the Fund) invites Expressions of Interest (EOI) from qualified consulting firms to assist in transitioning the organisation from its current structure of seventeen (17) employees to a newly board-approved structure of approximately forty-three (43) employees. This transition is a key strategic initiative aimed at enhancing operational efficiency and capacity of the Fund.
The Fund is established by the Public Officers’ Defined Contribution Pension Fund Act of 2008, as amended (the Act) to provide pension benefits to contributing Members in the Public Service of the Government of Lesotho. The Fund provides for retirement benefits and related matters to permanent and pensionable Public Officers. As at 31st March 2024, there were 37,515 active members and 268 pensioners, with assets under management of around M12 billion.
The Fund is managed by the Board of Trustees (the Board) as the governing body, supported by five (5) Board Committees, viz: Governance Committee (GC), Investment Committee (IC), Audit and Risk Committee (ARC), Human Resources and Remuneration Committee (HRRC) and Benefits and Administration Committee (BAC). The Secretariat, which is the Fund’s executing and operational arm currently has 17 staff members comprising; the Principal Officer (PO), four (4) Heads of Divisions, six (6) Professionals, and six (6) Support staff.
In alignment with its Strategic Plan for 2022/23 to 2026/27, the Fund has reviewed its current organisational structure to address the emerging needs of the members and the industry. Consequently, the Board has approved a new organisational structure that is considered fit for purpose to deliver of the Fund’s mandate.
The Fund thus invites Expressions of Interest (EOI) from eligible and suitable independent service providers to oversee a timely and orderly transition from the old organisational structure to the newly approved.
Eligible firms/bidders must be duly registered and/or licensed by a competent authority, tax compliant and exhibit prior experience in the provision of similar services. Further, they should have personnel with relevant skills and experience to undertake the assignment.
The main objective of the assignment is to manage the transition process with the highest level of impartiality. The successful bidder will be required to provide a clear transitional framework based on best practices in human resources. This will entail assessing amongst others the legal and financial considerations, highlighting any potential risks and/or red flags linked to the assignment and providing guidance on mitigation strategies. The scope of services includes, but is not limited to:
- Review of relevant laws to manage legal implications of the transition.
- Development and recommendation of a transitional framework clearly showing detailed transition plan, timelines, and required resources.
- Identification and assessment of risks associated with the transition and possible mitigation measures.
- Development of communication plan to inform stakeholders of the changes.
- Development of a monitoring and evaluation framework for reporting progress to the Board.